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Revolutionizing Work-Life Balance: The First Digital Calendar to Lighten the Mental Load for Working Moms

The carpool broke down. Literally.


Dinner is yet to be made. Kids are strewn about the neighborhood. And your best-laid plans crumble like your child's half-eaten granola bar in your minivan.


Let the hustle commence. It's calling, scratch that, texting your partner on his commute home about the new dinner plan, the location of your other kids and the extracurriculars ahead so he can captain the ship in your stead. You pull out of the driveway as you wave to your spouse pulling in.


Your phone pings. And pings again. The three dots blink, followed by: What? Where? Who? When? What time, again?


It's maddening. It's the brain-frying weight of the cognitive family load not to mention your packed professional plate of responsibilities bearing on your mind. You aren't alone, working mom. This is a day in her (ahem YOUR) life.


The Invisible Backpack (aka the Mental Load)

Call it a handbag, duffel or tote. No matter your style, the mental load is the invisible cognitive labor required to run a household. It's the invisible accessory strapped onto most women. 


Over half of moms say they take the lead in wrangling their family and managing the inner workings of their home, according to Motherly’s 2023 State of Motherhood Report, with 86% of working women doing the same per Bright Horizons Modern Family Index.


And it's not just calendaring. It’s the weight of an invisible load of logistics to keep your people alive, fed, watered, clothed and engaged. 


It's remembering the spirit day at school, washing the sports jersey (and knowing what color and when to wear it), planning date night, booking a babysitter for said date night, the dog's vet appointment and the ever-nagging question: What's for dinner?


This can lead to cognitive (and physical) overload progressively ushering in mental health distress, role burnout, marital tension and poor cardiovascular health according to sociological and gender role research studies.


Skylight Calendar Lightens the Load 

Enter the calendar that bears the weight for you. How? It invites others in, making the invisible visible. 


Most digital calendars are locked up behind your work desktop or within the maze of apps on your smartphone. The Skylight Calendar invites others in, making the unseen, seen, right on your kitchen countertop.


Skylight Calendar Makes the Invisible Visible

Like a moth to a flame, families gravitate to the glow of the digital display that reveals the mechanics of their day, unraveling the weight of all the things that usually press in on only your body and brain. 


It’s a touchscreen calendar that each family member can interact with without their own device. From your in-home daycare provider and partner to your littles, everyone has access to the inner workings of your home. 


It’s a grocery and to-do list plus an on-the-go calendar all rolled into one. Connecting the tech you already use (auto-syncs with Google, Outlook, Apple, Cozi, and Yahoo), you grant access to your village and have the luxury of making last-minute changes for everyone to be in the know.


Skylight Calendar Gets All Hands on Deck

It’s not all on your shoulders. From your dinner plan and chore charts to kids’ activities and date night, the Skylight Calendar uses a color code system to delineate where (and what) people need to do and when. 


When everything starts falling apart, your people are on the same page. Your partner can start the dinner and your kids can work on their tasks without a word (or a redirection) from you.


Skylight Calendar Eliminates the Nag

Skylight hedges the pressing questions of the day. The “What’s for dinner?” whine is no longer a thing. Family members can anticipate the weather, check in on what’s next for the day and know what they need to do to earn their coveted after school screen time.  


Now texting, "It's on the calendar!" while your partner pulls in the drive is a whole new way of life! And you (and your not-so-invisible handbag) just got a little lighter. Buy your Skylight Calendar here.